Friday, February 8, 2013

The Daily Routine

every day, I go through a few of my favorite blogs. My top three, are listed here :).

~ What A Lovely ~

This blog is a quaint little blog that talks about all kinds of lovely things, and everyday adventures. sometimes she posts stories, or "Music Mondays" or even things like reviews of movies or resturaunts. The setup of this blog is nice because it is a nice clean white color in the background, and (though she changes it from time to time) her main picture at the top is always wonderful. The focus of the blog, is off to the side. it says that she wants to share her poetry, stories, etc. Carolyn (the blog's author) has a really lovely style, and majored in English (I'm pretty sure), so, as you can imagine, they are all beautifully written. her topics are really interesting. When I first found this blog, I spent a couple hours (at least!) just reading through her whole blog. her voice is definitely present throughout, and she has a very defined style. grammar-obviously perfect (English major, remember?). The intended audience is probably to people who appreciate art of all kinds (me), whether it is literature, photography, paintings, etc. Carolyn is an "expert" in that she is very well acquainted with what she shares, and it is her opinion about these things. 

~ I am Hiawatha ~
This dear blog, is my sisters blog :).
The design of this blog is wonderful, and has a lot of patterns, while not being too much. The focus of this blog at first, was a travel blog. she would post about her trip(s) to France, and it was great. now that she is married, and has her own (adorable, might I say) bebe, we use it as a little bird house to put pears (letters) in*. the content for right now, is super cute baby pictures, and the occasional letter from me :). Writing style- perfect. it's Lindsay to a T! Grammar- if you notice, the title isn't capitalized :). this goes along with style too, because capitalization is not often used, but the grammar is also her own style, but is still mostly correct (I think... I'm not even sure...) The audience is probably family and friends, who want to know about our lives.
*see, "Little Women"

~ Smitten Kitchen ~
Smitten Kitchen is the only blog out of these three, where I don't personally know the author. When I bake, I bake almost exclusively from this site. unless you absolutely hate the whole recipe, it will be perfect. every single recipe on this blog is amazing! The design of this blog is very clean, like "What A Lovely", and just has the logo off to the side. the first thing you see is the newest recipe. it also has a search bar off to the side, so it's easy to find a recipe. the focus of the site- to provide fancy recipes, without fancy ingredients (check!). content - food! and really good food, at that! The author's writing style is very well shown among her recipes, and pictures. she, like we were talking about, is very honest. she makes a cheescake recipe, and says she doesn't like cheesecake. by saying this, she really sells how good it is, because if she doesn't even like cheesecake, and she likes this cheesecake, that must mean it's really good. Grammar - good. Message Effectiveness - effective! the audience of this blog is anyone who likes to look at, bake, cook, or eat food (which just happens to be about 99.9 percent of all people in the world... :) ).

Now, you can just enjoy those blogs to your hearts' content(s?) I know I do!


  1. How wonderful those blogs are! You specifically introduced the content of the blog, additionally, you have a strong sense of catching the design elements, you perceive the slight, delicate but crucial part of the blog, which is what make them so fascinating.

  2. The blogs were very intresting and the cooking one had pictures that made my mouth water. I thought you explained them very well and the style parts were very intresting. Great Job.
